
A little while ago I was asked to make a scarf for somebody I know through the internet.  They want one that is in all black, which is murder on my poor old eyes.  I agreed to have  a go but had to think of some way to alleviate the problem of knitting with black yarn under artificial light.  In the end, I opted to experiment.  I’m delighted to report that the experiment is a complete success and the scarf is growing fast!  Basically, it couldn’t be simpler…  I’m using ordinary DK yarn but with 10mm needles!  The results are a delight.  It produces a light, soft, warm fabric that’s ideally suited to a scarf.  It’s also far less stressful on my eyes!

10mm Scarf

10mm Scarf WIP

The open texture gives a lace-like appearance.  I think this technique would be equally suited to tights, socks/stockings/tights, shawls, blankets and Afghans/throws.

Christmas Decor? Already?

Let’s Knitting magazine, Issue 47, includes a supplemental pattern booklet containing some delightful Christmas decorations.  Scanning through it, I knew immediately that I just had to make the first item: a charming angel called Ariella (designed by Tina Barrett).  She’s quite unusual, having no halo and purple, gauzy wings, and bright red dress and shoes.  The magazine comes with the yarn needed, and the little golden bells that adorn her shoes.  I’m quite pleased with the result:




Catching Up

I’ve been having a bad time recently, ever since a routine blood test threw up an alarming result.  An INR target of 2.5 was returned at 17.6 instead!  So the hospital have been tinkering with my Warfarin dosage and taking frequent blood samples.  So much fun for a trypanophobe (needlephobe)!  As emergency treatment initially, I was given a large dose of Vitamin K (mercifully an oral solution).  That, of course, disrupted my system for days…  Life is so much fun!

I should have known better but I started making a pair of lace socks for Jenny, despite difficulties in concentrating.  Yesterday, the errors just became absurd so I frogged the first sock and started again.  Let’s hope I can get further…

Better news: on Monday, we picked up our new car    It’s a Kia cee’d SW and is our first diesel-fuelled car.

Finally, for now, I’ve signed up to the trial of Google +.  This is a new networking/sharing concept.  You have to be invited to join at the moment.  I’m hoping that some of my knitting and cross stitching friends will join me.

iPod and Socks…

Following being given an iPod touch for my birthday, the first thing I did was to make a knitted cosy for it:

iPod cosy

iPod cosy

It’s based on the iphone case by Charlotte Nash.  I had to adjust the size some, and I added the flap, which is secured with a large bead.  A lightning fast project!

Today will see the completion of the first of the dayflower socks, which had reached this stage when I wrote this:

Dayflower socks WIP01

Dayflower socks WIP01

I love this pattern!

With regard to the iPod, I’m using the app KnitMinder by Quilt2Go to record my projects, and to provide a range of handy counters.  I tried the Lite version first and our eldest son bought me the full app as a surprise!  I’d love to know what JKnit is like to use but there isn’t an evaluation version and it’s rather pricey to take a risk on…


New projects at last!

Now that I’ve completed Jenny’s socks, I’m far more confident about sock knitting. That’s helped with the advent of my new iPod touch… I can now keep track of what I’m doing far more effectively. So, I’ve now started making a pair of lace socks for our younger son’s partner :D

The Scarf…

I’ve now got a photo of the feather and fan lace scarf mentioned in my last post.  I’m happy to report that it was very well received 

Dawn's Feather and Fan Lace Scarf

Dawn's Feather and Fan Lace Scarf


Makes a nice stole too!


New Free Pattern

I’ve just released a new free pattern, for a feather and fan lace scarf, which can be found on the Free Patterns page.  This makes a luxurious, soft, but light, scarf.  I have completed one myself, though I modified it by including a personalised section spelling out the recipient’s name, using the stitch pattern technique found in pictorial dish cloths.  Unfortunately, I don’t currently have any photos of the finished scarf.

Scarf Working

In the midst of all the other projects I’ve got on the go, I started developing another new scarf on Saturday.  It’s destined for our younger son’s partner so there’s definitely a desire to get it right!  It’s based on the feather and fan lace pattern with one or two twists of my own.

Dawn's Lace Scarf

Dawn's Lace Scarf

I’m using Cygnet DK, Shade 3501 – Mulberry Mix.  While it may be 8-ply yarn, the lace pattern makes the scarf much lighter than might be expected.  Hopefully this pattern should be a good, gentle introduction to lace knitting for those who have never tried it, whatever their level of experience.  I’ll release the pattern through Ravelry as soon as I’m satisfied with it.

Belted Tunic : Finalé

At around 4 this morning I finished the belted tunic!  Sewing on the collar was challenging but ample pinning saw me through it.  Jenny is thrilled with it and has worn it all day today  Despite her aversion to cameras, I was able to get a photo of her modelling the tunic:

Belted Tunic - 05 - Final

Jenny modelling the Belted Tunic

I’m happy to say that others have also liked the finished tunic.

This must now count as the most challenging project that I’ve completed!

Belted Tunic : Part 4

Well, I’ve got to the last part: the belt.  Of course, it was inevitable that something would mean adapting the pattern!  We were unable to find a big buckle.  Jenny, actually, prefers a smaller buckle anyway so I’ve had to adapt the pattern, to accommodate a narrower buckle.  So, keeping to the style of the belt in the pattern, I’m knitting the belt to the following:

Cast on 7 sts using 6mm needles
Row 1: P2, K1, P1, K1, P2
Row 2: P3, K1, P3
Rep these 2 rows until 38” long
Cast off

And this is producing:

Belted Tunic - 04 - Belt

The belt for the Belted Tunic

It’s quick but very repetitive work.  Still, the end is in sight!