Easter Knitting Mix

This Easter weekend has seen me behaving like a grasshopper, in knitting terms.  Sunday saw some growth of the sweater, until my fingers started to hurt constantly, using 3mm metal needles.  If only I could get a pair of bamboo needles in that size!  As a gap filler, when resting from the sweater, I continued work on the sock too, and it’s going well – I’ve even turned the heel.  I also started on making another of the rabbit wash cloths for our youngest granddaughter, which I finished this morning, and another yarn blossom.

Eight inches of rib for the sock seemed to take forever and I expected the same for the rest of the sock, but turning the heel didn’t take long at all, even though I did have to tink (undo stitch by stitch) several rounds because I got confused on the decreases after nodding off…  I do have some decreases to go, but I’m feeling much more confident now.  So, the sock is now at this stage:

Sock WIP02a

Sock WIP02a

Sock WIP02b

Sock WIP02b

The yarn blossom, which I named Spring Camelia, was knitted with a variegated yarn that I found in our stash.  It’s 4-ply and we only had a very small bit left, but I do think that it works well for these blossoms:

Yarn Blossom 02 - "Spring Camelia"
Yarn Blossom 02 – “Spring Camelia”

The wash cloth was knitted using a cotton blend yarn that Jenny found in the stash.  Unfortunately, there was no ball band with it, but it’s 4-ply for sure!  It has a subtle sheen and knits up beautifully, with a softer feel than many cotton yarns.  The photo doesn’t do the cloth justice, being rather blurred and nothing like the correct colour.  The yarn is actually a dusky pink!

Hippity Hop! Wash Cloth
Hippity Hop! Wash Cloth

Yarn #2 : Cygnet Double Knitting

A while back a friend gave me three 100g balls of yarn, all by Cygnet Yarns Limited.  This 100% acrylic yarn is wonderful to work with.  It knits up beautifully soft, unlike some acrylic yarns.  There are 39 listed colours, of which I have 133 Royal (“Royal Blue”, that is), 6869 Bright Lime and 2297 Chocolate.  The Royal and Bright Lime are both vivid colours.  The Royal I’m using for a pair of socks.  This is not an expensive yarn and yet it out performs some that are (relatively).  Cygnet sell direct from their web site, mostly in packs of 10 balls, as well as through retail outlets.

I can most definitely recommend this yarn!

I’m hoping to obtain some of their Kiddies Kaleidoscope DK as I think it will work very well in making yarn blossoms for embellishing other projects.  If it’s as good as the standard DK, it will be a great buy.